Zion®: Ionic Zinc
The role of zinc in plants
- Zinc plays an important role in regulation of plant growth, enzyme activation, gene expression, activity of plant hormones, protein synthesis, chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, plant fertility, seed and fruit production and defense against diseases
- It is also necessary in plants for the production of growth hormones and the elongation of internodes.
- It is a structural component of chemical transmitters and metalloenzymes which regulate plant metabolism and the synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids
- Finally, it is important in the structural and functional integrity of cell membranes
- A possible zinc deficiency can slow down or inhibit all processes above and eventually weaken health and reduce productivity of plants
- Highly demanding crops for zinc are maize, alfalfa, citrus, alfalfa, stone fruits, vine, olive, kiwi and other
- Zinc deficiency is very common in modern crops. It usually occurs in alkaline and calcareous soils with high PH, in calcareous soils with medium or high content in organic matter, in sandy soils as well as in soils produced from rock poor in zinc
- Zink deficiency usually manifests with pale green, yellow or white discoloration between leaf nerves which starts from new and middle leaves, with plant dwarfism and deformation of leaves and fruits
- However, in many cases of marginal zinc deficiency, the quality and quantity of production may be reduced without apparent symptoms. For example, in cereals marginal deficiency causes small zinc concentration in grains and reduced nutritional value.
- Almost half of the world’s soils suffer from zinc deficiency, while this nutrient has been identified as the most critical and deficient for plants, causing serious production losses. As a result, the interest for zinc fertilization has increased greatly in the last decade
What is Zion?
- Zion is a liquid fertilizer used against zinc deficiency, with strong acid reaction, which contains concentrated zinc sulphate mono-hydrate (ZnSO4-H2O) in an ionic form with high bioavailability and efficacy
- Zion content in Zinc is 9.4% w/v, or 9.4 grams of elemental zinc in 100 ml Zion
- Zion can be applied to crops throughout the vegetative period at very small doses: 1) foliarly at 50-100ml/100L of water and 2) through drip irrigation systems at 1-2L / ha
- Application doses of Zion vary depending on the crop, size and age of plants, application equipment and crop training system
- Zion is fully water soluble without any mixing issues in spray or in liquid fertilizer tanks. It reduces the pH of the spray solution thus facilitating the mixing of other active substances that «prefer» acidic pH conditions
- It is compatible with most agro-chemical products. It is not compatible with unstable products in mixtures such as fosetyl-Al and chlorpyrifos