ΒΙΠΕ ΣΙΝΔΟΥ ΟΤ 53Β, Θεσσαλονίκη 57022 2310 797262 Info@agrocure.com

Wastewater Management


AgroCure’ s Biotechnological formulations have a very wide scope: They are used for cleaning and disinfection of water tanks, swimming pools and fountains, protection of the environment, improvement of soil in agriculture and for deodorization and disinfection of hotel sewage systemσ, houses & catering establishments and livestock farms. Also, they are used for the treatment and upgrade of biological water purification systems in industrial, livestock and manufacturing facilities.

As it is pretty much known to everyone, bacteria are unicellular organisms with very simple structure which multiply rapidly with cell division under the appropriate environmental conditions, mainly temperature and food. Bacteria are of very high importance for the balance of ecosystems, due to their intense biochemical activity, superfast propagation and interactions with other organisms.

There are bacteria species which cause diseases to animals, plants and other organisms. These penetrate into the body of their host, they grow in number and produce strong chemicals, toxins, which destroy specific cells in the infected tissues causing a variety of diseases and reactions by the host. Sometimes the infection is so intense that it ends up in the extermination of the host.

Some of the most well-known diseases caused by bacteria in humans are Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus , Chlamydia, Haemophilus, Gonococcus and Typhus. Known bacterial diseases in plants are olive canker, pear fire blight, bacterial crown gall of ornamentals, and others.

But not all bacteria are harmful. Some which live in our body (i.e. mouth or intestinal tract), in the soil, on the surface of plants and in food or other organic materials have positive effects and are beneficial. For example, the bacteria which are called probiotic seem to fight or compete with the infectious bacteria that cause diseases. Other examples of non-pathogenic, beneficial bacteria are those which cause the fermentation of bread, wort etc.

Bacteria perform important enzymatic processes and this is exploited by the industries of bakery, winemaking, dairy products and preparation of vitamins as nutritional supplements. For the production of these important products of human nutrition, special beneficial bacteria are used to convert plant or animal products to other finished products through enzyme processes.

Agrocure’ s bacteria belong to the group of beneficial probiotic bacteria as they neutralize or compete with pathogenic microorganisms for the benefit of the ecosystem and the environment health and equilibrium. They are classified as Gram positive Class 1 bacteria based on the Gram classification and their risk level according to US standards. Class 1 are harmless bacteria.

Agrocure in collaboration with a specialized biotechnological firm of the US developed and successfully applied formulations of beneficial bacteria for the following application fields:

  • Elimination of bad odors in buildings, hotels, squares, rubbish bins, livestock farms, open field markets, meat markets, fish markets, toilets, waste transport vehicles, etc.
  • Upgrading of municipal & domestic septic systems, reduction of solid waste volume up to 80% depending on the conditions of each case
  • Unblocking of drainage pipes
  • Ecological cleaning of swimming pools, ponds, streams, rivers, harbors and coasts
  • Deodorization and elimination of pathogenic load from stagnant water deposits and drinking water tanks
  • Environmental elimination of toxic substances
  • Elimination of toxic waste from olive oil and cheese processing facilities, etc.
  • Elimination of toxic waste from the production of commercial fats and oils, diesel and other industrial products

Now let us examine Agrocure’ s formulations for wastewater treatment one by one:

  2. One such tablet is a mixture of beneficial bacteria and enzymes for waste and odor management in septic tanks, grease traps, sewers, waste tanks, biological treatment sewage plants and small packaging units. The design for slow release of beneficial bacteria and enzymes eliminates the need for manual calculation and application of the appropriate dose or for expensive automatic dosing equipment.

    In other words, this large tablet acts as a dosing meter. It is placed (suspended in perforated fabric) at points where wastewater ends up and the tablet gradually dissolves while its active bacteria and enzymes are released as they come in contact with wastewater. Result of this application is the enrichment of wastewater with positive (good) biomass so that there is always numerical superiority over the negative (bad) biomass within a specific volume of industrial or municipal liquid waste.

    The active bacteria of the tablet F SLOW RELEASE achieve reduction of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand required (BOD) and the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and prevent the Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

  4. This formulation is a mixture of beneficial bacteria and enzymes which can be used for waste management and deodorization in septic tanks, biological treatment sewage plants and drains. It is also appropriate for the management of liquid urban and industrial waste in canals and ponds. It is designed in such a way so that it can be applied directly to the waste while it has immediate action.

    After shaking the container, its contents should be diluted in a large quantity of water, depending on the intended use, and be left for a couple of hours for the bacteria to multiply. After this period the solution is ready and active. It can be applied directly to the liquid waste of a biological treatment sewage plant at the stage of aeration or to the liquid waste of a septic tank. Result of this application is the enrichment of wastewater tanks or drains with positive (good) biomass so that there is always numerical superiority over the negative (bad) biomass.

    The active bacteria of the tablet F SLOW RELEASE achieve reduction of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand required (BOD) and the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and prevent the Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

  6. One such tablet is a mixture of beneficial bacteria which can be used for deodorization and disintegration of fats in biological treatment sewage plants, toilets, siphons, wells, drains, grease/fat collectors, septic tanks (cesspits) and generally in any area where bad odors are emitted due to pathogenic bacteria or where fats accumulate and solidify.

    This large G Slow Release tablet acts as a dosing meter. It is placed (suspended in perforated fabric) at points where the wastewater ends up and it gradually dissolves while its active bacteria and enzymes are released as they come in contact with wastewater. The result of this application is the elimination of odors and the breakdown of fats from a very high to an absolute degree.

    The active bacteria of tablet G Slow Release achieve by hydrolysis the degradation of the solid matter (crust) which accumulates gradually on various surfaces in all the aforementioned fields of application.


This formulation is a mixture of beneficial bacteria which can be used for deodorization and breakdown of fats in biological treatment sewage plants, toilets, siphons, wells, drains, grease/fat collectors, septic tanks (cesspits) and generally in any area where bad odors are emitted due to pathogenic bacteria or where fats accumulate and solidify.

After shaking the container, its contents should be diluted in water at a ratio of 1 L / 50-100 L. The resulting solution can be applied directly to the solid pieces of grease or to sinks, siphons etc.

In their path, the Class 1 bacteria will cause elimination of unpleasant odors, and degradation of grease and fats from pipes, siphons and traps. They will not allow solidification of fats in the grease/fat collectors if they exist and finally, they will end up in final sewage management point, helping effectively its operation.

The active bacteria of liquid formulation G Quick Release achieve by hydrolysis the degradation of the solid matter (crust) which accumulates gradually on various surfaces in all the aforementioned fields of application.


In order to achieve the best possible result, simultaneous use of chlorine bleach and other chemical cleaners or hot water over 45oC degrees should be avoided.

The bacteria in every formulation of our company are not genetically modified and are classified at the biosafety Class 1. Bacteria in this class do not cause disease in healthy individuals and pose very small risk to operators and the environment. All formulations do not contain any detergents or toxic substances.